Picture by Fabrice Robin

Tom Hirschowitz

CNRS researcher (DR2), LIMD team of LAMA, the math lab of Savoie Mont Blanc University.
Theoretical Computer Scientists for Future
I love it to be able to tell myself that things I've always accepted, all of a sudden, become problematic. It means I'll have to part with certain things I've loved, and work on myself! I like the idea of working all the time. Otherwise I'm not interested, otherwise it's awful to grow old.
Alice Zeniter (translated from French)

Inclusivity Students PublicationsTalks Community Projects
Teaching Software PhD Titres et travaux Contact Color


I wholeheartedly adopt Eugenia Cheng's Manifesto of Inclusivity, and support her proposal of using "ingressive" and "congressive" for personality features that are more usually called "masculine" and "feminine".



See them here, or on HAL, or on DBLP (less complete) .



I often attend the Chocola and LIMD seminars.



  • In 2012-2013 and 2013-2014, an M1 course in Chambéry on Logic and Lambda-calculus.
  • In 2012-2013, Python again.
  • In 2012, Pierre Hyvernat, Christophe Raffalli, Thomas Seiller, and I teach Python (!) to L1 students in Chambéry.
  • In 2008-2009, Dominique Duval, Pierre Hyvernat, and I taught a doctoral course in common on categorical languages and concepts for logic and computer science.
  • In 2007-2008, Philippe Audebaud and I taught an M2 course in common on proof theory.
  • In 2006-2007, I taught an M2 course on categories in computer science and logic.

Titres et travaux

(in french, 2009 report on my past activities and future projects).


LAMA, Campus Scientifique

73376 Le Bourget-du-Lac Cedex

+33 4 79 75 94 36
+33 4 79 75 81 42
3/2/14: Cette page change de couleurs en réaction à des rumeurs inquiétantes faisant état d'une diminution regrettable de la quantité d'orange et de violet dans la recherche française en informatique fondamentale.