I wholeheartedly
adopt Eugenia
Cheng's Manifesto
of Inclusivity, and support
her proposal
of using "ingressive" and "congressive" for personality
features that are more usually called "masculine"
and "feminine".
See them
here, or
on HAL, or on
DBLP (less complete) .
A hyperdoctrinal reconstruction of conditional calculus. CoREACT winter meeting, November 2024.
What is an inference rule? Logic, Homotopy, Categories days, June 2024, and team seminar, February 2024
(less specialised audience, different slides).
A categorical framework for congruence of bisimilarity. Chocola seminar, October 2023, and Topos Institute Colloquium
(less specialised audience, different
slides —
and even a video).
Specifying syntax with auxiliary operations.
Logic, Homotopy, Categories days, October 2022, and
Plume working group, 2021.
- Modules over monads and operational semantics.
FSCD 2020
(virtually in Paris). Talk given without any
Lafont had prerecorded it, but due to some
technical problem it couldn't be broadcast.)
- A cellular Howe theorem.
LICS 2020 (virtually in Saarland University) and
LIPN seminar, 2020.
- Familial monads and structural operational semantics.
POPL 2019, Cascais, Portugal.
- Monades familiales et sémantique opérationnelle structurelle. First meeting of the
Homotopy, and Categories working group of
GdR IM. Marseille, October 2018.
- Foncteurs polynomiaux et carrés exacts en sémantique des jeux.
Invited talk at Séminaire Itinérant de Catégories.
Lille, October 2018.
- What's in a game?
Invited talk at Game Semantics 25,
a workshop celebrating the 25th birthday of game semantics. Oxford, July 2018.
- Bridges between operational and denotational semantics of
programming languages. Habilitation thesis defense,
Le Bourget-du-Lac, November 2016.
Variants given at the
seminar, Lyon, December 2016, and
LDP seminar, Marseille, March 2017.
- Yoneda
meets concurrent game semantics, with Clovis
Eberhart. The Chocola
seminar, Lyon, May 2016.
- An intensionally fully-abstract sheaf model for pi, with Clovis Eberhart and
Seiller. CALCO '15,
Nijmegen, June 2015. Supersedes the previous talk. Written
in Patoline,
in pdf.
- Fully-abstract games for pi, with Clovis Eberhart and
Seiller. Galop,
Grenoble, April 2014. Written
in Patoline,
in pdf
- Towards a theory of programming
languages. SIESTE
seminar, ENS Lyon, April 2013.
Written in Patoline, available
in pdf and
(Please don't attempt to print the pdf version
directly; it may fail miserably due to a bug in a
standard pdf library.) Here
are the
sources: the main file
is here.
- Full
abstraction for fair testing in CCS
(written in Patoline,
here is the
version) . Given under various titles and slightly
versions: Plume
- Limd seminar (April-March,
2012), Plume
working group (March, 2012),
café (May, 2012),
CALCO (September, 2013).
- Fair testing vs. must
testing in a fair setting. Given under various titles and slightly differing versions:
PiCoq/Cogip workshop, Lyon,
2011-09, GdT sémantique PPS, Paris, 2011-02-22, ICE workshop, Reykjavik, 2011-06,
LDP seminar, Marseille, 2011-2-3, 91st Peripatetic Seminar
on Sheaves and Logic (Amsterdam), 2010-11-27, and 1st
PiCoq seminar, Lyon, 2010-11-22.
- An algebraic approach to
higher-order theories and rewriting. International
Workshop on Categorical Logic, Brno (2010-8-28).
- Introduction to
categorical logic. Réalisabilité
à Chambéry, Chambéry
(2010-5-31). Some typos corrected from the live version,
and some statements strengthened thanks to pointers by Jonas Frey.
- Algebraic Structures
from Shapes. Journées
Geocal-LAC, Nice (2010-3-17).
- What is a programming
language? Invited talk at the DSSE
seminar in Southampton (2010-3-10).
- Algebraic Structures from Shapes. Categorical
Computer Science, Grenoble (2009-11-26). (There was
a mistake in the second part, which is corrected in the
Geocal 2010 talk above.)
- Variable
binding, symmetric monoidal closed theories, and
bigraphs. Concur, Bologna
- Contraction-Free
Proofs and Games for Linear Logic. MFPS,
Oxford (2009-4-6).
I often attend
the Chocola and
In 2012-2013 and 2013-2014, an M1 course in Chambéry on Logic and Lambda-calculus.
In 2012-2013, Python again.
In 2012, Pierre Hyvernat, Christophe Raffalli, Thomas Seiller,
and I teach Python (!) to L1 students in Chambéry.
In 2008-2009, Dominique Duval, Pierre Hyvernat, and I taught a
doctoral course in common on categorical languages and
concepts for logic and computer science.
In 2007-2008,
Philippe Audebaud
and I taught an M2 course in common on
proof theory.
In 2006-2007, I taught an M2 course on
categories in computer science and
(in french, 2009 report on my past activities and future projects).
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